
Welcome to Mr. Elam’s  website for his studio art and art history classes.  Use the pull-down menus above to access assignments, get slide lists, and other class resources.

IB Art

For the IB Art students, you will find everything you need in the pull-down menu.  Please note that assignments are divided by nine-weeks, so choose the nine-weeks period that is relevant to your needs.  When necessary, images, external links, and/or files are included with these assignments.

Be sure to check back frequently for new assignments and updates.  You can follow this site and receive email alerts of new posts, or join the Remind group!

AP Art History

Your content is divided up along the pull-down menu above.  You will find separate sections for slide lists (the content we are covering), assignments, and support material.

Be sure to check back frequently for new assignments and updates.  You can follow this site and receive email alerts of new posts, or join the Remind group!